Futuristic Tank

Futuristic Tank.

1st Version

2nd version (Without metal plating on the triple turrets)

Unblur this I dare you

Which one looks better?

  • 1st Version preferred
  • 2nd Version preferred

0 voters

Took 3~4 hours to build.
Made with only parts.
~2k Parts


I like both, they look really good, keep up the good work :smiley:

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Hey ptsss hey add a “Both versions preferred” I CAN’T CHOOSE BOTH OF THEM LOOK GEORGIOUS.

The first one looks a lot more elegant, but still fragile and underdeveloped, for a tank.

Then what could I add or remove to improve the design and architecture?

Well my first thought was it doesnt look strong, it looks ready to break at the first gust of wind. i think i would honestly remove the 2 top guns. The way to describe the build is unbalanced tanks are rectangles the silhouette is more of a triangle.

damn thats kinda insane for roblox studio parts

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