G-Gui Admin | Simple, yet efficient and feature packed

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G-Gui Admin

What is it?

G-Gui is an admin system designed to replace old, decaying admin systems such as “HD Admin”, and the older version [not new] version of Kohls Admin Infinite.
It has many outstanding features compared to other admin systems you cannot miss, such as…

Quickly move your data from other admin systems to G-Gui

[Currently HD Admin only at this moment]

G-Gui has been designed to quickly move your data from your old HD Admin configuration to the new G-Gui datastores. It’s quick and easy.

Extensibility [wow!]
G-Gui makes it so that you can have extensions, which are add-ons to G-Gui. Get new commands or features directly by just getting a model from the Toolbox, or making one yourself with documentation! Speaking of…

Feature rich documentation is what is needed for something like this, with loads of functions and such it’d be hard to navigate without. Documentation is provided for FREE with no cost.
Home · ResourceName/G-Gui Wiki

Loads of commands and other things
G-Gui has many commands brought over from HD Admin and Adonis, but has it’s own unique commands and system. It’s made from scratch but is fast and simple.

Automatic UPDATES
Compared to the other admin sources on this DevForum, G-Gui automatically updates to fit your needs. It’s on a monthly schedule and is usually on the 1st of the month. It allows for new features FAST.
Packages are currenty not supported :frowning:

Get it from HERE:
G-Gui Admin - Creator Store

Get the extension template from HERE:
G-Gui Example Extension - Creator Store

To make a extension, go HERE:
Extensions · ResourceName/G-Gui Wiki

Would you use G-Gui?

  • Yes
  • No (but if so, please tell me why so I can improve!)

0 voters

Credits have been provided in the admin source

We Sell Machines 2025, no rights reserved


This looks cool, however I noticed there was a lack of documentation under the documentation section :sweat_smile:

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editing it now

also, theres some documentation at the bottom of the page too

In the CommandService documentation, theres an extra I (the one I highlighted), and a missing I after the n

Whether it’s intentional or not, it should be consistent


Pictures pwease :pleading_face: :point_right: :point_left: I reawwy want pwictures…


An admin module should have the essentials and usually be minimally programmable.

After attempting to read the docs I feel like there’s bloatware that just isn’t needed by anyone whatsoever.

The Extensions part is quite… Unnecessary.
Adding a custom command can be as simple as having a ModuleScript where you grant the user documentation on how to create a command. All you’d need are names, aliases and a callback. Nothing difficult. What else do you need in an admin system?

The ExID part is… What? Why?

Why is everything wrapped in Services? They could perfectly just be globals.

Anyway - I’d keep an admin system simple. Pure commands for commanding. Nothing else.

Do not ever send this in DMs.


Sorry about it being on mobile, I just got up.

Dwank youuuuuuuuuu :3 :3 :3 :pleading_face: i weally needed dwose!

Hi, and thank you for giving some honest feedback!

First, I can get that it is a little bloaty. Do you want a ModuleScript to disable most of the commands? There’s also a manual method with the ModifiedCommands module in loader documentation.

I can’t exactly help with that, I made ExIDs because of distinguishing.
Let’s say there is two extensions and they both have the same ExIDs. G-Gui would not be able to distinguish against them [or they could not distinguish eachother] due to how Roblox’s instance management works.

The reason why I sort of made extensions is that users, like the people who spam toolbox assets and such, can just drag and drop some new commands into the game without having to do coding. [I can’t even wrap my head around HD Admin’s system without a proper tutorial.]
Sorry about the issue, if you want I can provide a legacy way [like the way you stated] for extensions.

The reason why I did not use globals like _G is because of exploits.
I KNOW how those “give HD admin ownwer rank free 100 no virus” scripts work. They call the HD Admin main from _G straight from the client, then use setRank.

Here’s a script if you want that sets _G values though.

until game.ServerScriptService:FindFirstChild("GGuiRuntime")

_G.CommandService = require(game.ServerScriptService.GGuiRuntime.CommandService)
_G.RankService = require(game.ServerScriptService.GGuiRuntime.RankService)
_G.LogService = require(game.ServerScriptService.GGuiRuntime.LogService)
_G.StorageService = require(game.ServerScriptService.GGuiRuntime.StorageService)
_G.GenericService = require(game.ServerScriptService.GGuiRuntime.GenericService)

print("_G registered!!!!!!!")

Thank you again for giving some honest feedback though. I’ve tried to provide some fixes, please enjoy them.

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Hi, did you try the admin system out?

What did you think?

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The issue’s been fixed. Thanks for reporting it!

I haven’t been able to get on studio, but I love the previews!

A new patch has been applied to warn about Legacy chat being deprecated.

Tread carefully, legacy chat users…

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is this trustable? i just put it in my game as a way for me on console to use admin and looks good, i use adonis, but im skeptical about g-gui, so can anyone check the code if its malicious? ping me when you do

other than that i like it! :happy1: is very nice is cool but id like the windows to be resizeable thanks

Hi, G-Gui only uses one instance of require() [in the loader] to load Marketplace objects, and we have no instances of loadstring or whatever else they use to get exploits in.

Feel free to check the MainModule code!
G-Gui Admin - Creator Store

surface level it really just looks like another HD Admin clone (and that sucks). you should probably invest in a different GUI and I could see it being a good competitor

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Thanks for the feedback! I’ll change it eventually.

Major problem, the ability to drag two UI elements at once…

Sadly, I have no clue if I’m able to fix that. If it was a draggable property I would try but sadly it isn’t.