Gain +5 coins when killing another player

How would I make it so when someone kills another player they get +5 coins? I watched multiple different videos on it but it did not help me out as they’re doing a whole leaderstats script which I do not need as I already have one, I only just need the part where when someone kills another person they get +5 coins.

If someone can put me in the right direction on making one or send me a tutorial that would be awesome.

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You could maybe create and fire a BindableEvent when you kill a player, and use another script to check if the BindableEvent was fired, and add to the player’s coins if so.

Are there any youtube tutorials I could follow on how to make a Bindable Event? I have very little to no knowledge about scripting.

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This goes into detail about how Roblox used to use a creator tag on its older gears/tools to determine kills.

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Here’s a tutorial showing you how to use them: Roblox Bindable Events Tutorial - YouTube, if you want, you could just add the coins to the player inside the weapons’ script and using BindableEvents wouldn’t be neccesary, but it might maybe look a little messy.

I just tried that script and it isn’t working

local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

	local tag = hum:FindFirstChild("creator")
	if tag then
		local player = tag.Value
		local coins = player.leaderstats.Coins
		coins.Value = coins.Value + 5

I advise you to look at how Roblox’s Linked Sword uses creator tags.

i’m just going to tell you right now, you’re going to need to show your weapon’s code. Otherwise no one can help.

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