Hi, as you all know I’m the Chairman/CEO of Galaxy-Café AKA (Galaxy_Cafe!)
I’m bored so I’m gonna make this post but currently we are hiring and we are looking for Trainees, Security And Vice-Chairperson(s) so if you want to join here
Also If you have any suggestions/feedback please let us know In our group!
-Ashy | Chairman/CEO Of Galaxy-Café
-Lexie | Chairwomen/Owner of Galaxy-Café
-Co-Owners/Staff of Galaxy-Cafe
What is Galaxy-Cafe? Galaxy-Cafe was first made by DemonSlayerFan9066 (Ashy/Owner) and is currently owner by him and Robloxian978051071 (Chairwoman/Owner) We were first made somewhere in November 1-2 2021 (The date is messed up on the page) Then we got our group in January, We started out with the few simple ranks like Member,Admin,Owner and now we have 7 ranks (Still not much but better) and we have been working harder to make our game better!
About Ashy (Owner/Chairman of Galaxy-Cafe) Will be added soon.
About Lexie (Owner/Chairwoman of Galaxy-Cafe) Will be added soon.