A simple bot that allows users to report bugs and rule-breakers.
The bot is easy to set up and very easy to use.
About Game-Bug Bot
Game-Bug Bot is a simple bot that allows users to create suggestions, report bugs, and report rule-breakers. Setting up the bot is as easy as typing out 1-2 command(s). The bot has a few moderation commands that will help you keep your server peaceful. There are also some informative commands to give you information about something or someone.
Please watch these videos one-by-one for a better understanding as to how you should set up the bot’s reporting, and moderation commands, and how you can create reports
The bot also includes other commands which you wouldn’t really find in a support bot that uses a ticket system, I am also planning to keep updating the bot and adding more features, for example, I am currently planning to add ‘can reproduce’ and ‘cannot reproduce’ commands to bug-reports to let users see if they can reproduce the bug and then make a note of it on the embed.
And another feature that I am planning to add to the bot is more helpful resources to let users download some of the most useful softwares and use the most useful websites when it comes to things like recording, screenshotting, editing, and etc.
Report goes to a triage channel to be considered, and if it’s accepted, it’s either:
Moved to accepted reports / features (and the triage dev gets the option to re-triage it at a higher or lower priority if they don’t agree with initial assessment)
(if it’s a feature) goes to a public vote
Declined, with the user being told common reasons for declines
It’s then assignable to an individual in the queue. They can un-assign it from themselves, delete it or mark it as done. If it’s done, it’s moved to publish queue.
I’m very proud of it and I’m glad that Ladybug is no longer alone in the world. There are a few things that I’ve learnt over the last year of supporting it though:
It has a complete lack of birds-eye view - there is no way to sort bugs by priority, see who’s assigned to what, or get an overview of current reports. It’s constrained by the platform it uses (greatest strength is its greatest curse!) - I’ve considered making a 1<->1 binding to something like GitHub Issues or GitKraken Glo (or other kanban board style app) that would make it cooler
Focused too much on reporter interaction, not usability for devs - the reporter gets instant updates every time something happens to their report. This was great for community engagement, but this focus drew us away from it being useful for bug fixing. It’s easy to assign yourself to something and forget about it, then for the reporting user to ask you for an update - whoops!
Hope this is helpful - I would release the source code but I’m currently working on a lot of code upgrades to the bot first!
This is really nice. I’ve been trying to learn more about discord.js and discord commando library. Thanks a bunch for open sourcing this! Very helpful!
Any reason for this? Seems like a really basic bot, people could learn from it.
I’m also very experienced with discord.js, and the number one mistake people make is not adding client.on("error", console.error), which means if the bot runs into an error (very common), your program will instantly crash.
A few people that have seen my code would agree that the layout and the placement of the code isn’t too good, I don’t really want people to learn from that mess
I think a Raspberry Pi is fine if your are hosting only a few server that are actively using your bot, but I’d highly recommend investing in hosting services, such as the one you mentioned as your bot gains popularity. This is because these services are flexible, and allow you to change plans whenever you need to, with only a few clicks.
I recommend this for any game that’s currently in Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, etc so that they could always keep up to date with their game and what’s there to fix. Great work AmusingDev!