Game buried in search results

Hello, recently I’ve encountered a problem with the roblox search engine. My game [🏝️MAP] Tower Defense Game - Roblox is being pushed seriously far down even tho it has a much better rating and a higher player count than the games in front of it.

Here are search results for “tower defense”:

As you can see my game is behind experiences with much worse ratings and lower player counts, some of the search results that are in front are not even related to the search.

This issue has been seriously hindering my game’s performance and I can’t come up with a solution. I’ll greatly appreciate any ideas or suggestions on how to fix/improve this.


I’m having the same problem. About 2 months ago, searching ‘hotel’ would result in my game near the top; now I have so scroll about 20 rows before seeing it.


The name of your game is simply much too vague. There’s tons of games out there with very similar names, and many more that use “tower defense” in their descriptions to boost their appearances in the algorithm. On top of that, recently Roblox’s searches appear to have become much more AI-based (especially noticeable on the Marketplace), which has drastically reduced the quality of search results, in my eyes.

The only real ‘fix’ to this is to come up with a name that’s much more unique and stands out from the crowd.

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The thing is that when you search for the exact name of my game it shows up as first, so it seems odd for it to be buried that deep when searching for something similiar.

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