Game cannot be published to

Still, I’m getting the same publish error. It has been disruptive for my workflow as I can not publish and test new features.

It seems that Roblox Studio allows me to publish only once a day.

Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me if Roblox does limit the amount of times someone can publish/save their game.
Especially if you don’t have “Premium”.

Considering all the hard limits on uploading stuff like audio files when using a non “Premium” account.

Just an idea anyways.

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This problem is still happening to this day, there isnt really a solution to it but to just keep trying for a few minutes till it randomly just works or publishes without notifying.

Hello @super_tbh, we are working on this bug. I was wondering if you still had the logs from when you got the “Attempted to upload invalid content.” errors and if you could send those over?



game I’m publishing from

game I’m publishing to

Thanks for sending us the games. We are still investigating this issue. Could you help us even further by dm-ing us your Studio logs. Here is an article on how to retrieve Studio logs:

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We are still looking into this issue right now. It appears to be a pretty complex error, so thank you guys for all your patience. TrainGuy196 I was wondering if you could also send over your logs from the day you got the “Internal Server Error” and the “Attempted to upload invalid content.” Please use the link in the previous reply to access those logs.

Thank you for reporting this bug. We have improved the messaging and are looking at other additional improvements. Let us know if you have anymore issues.

I’m facing this issue right now. I can publish to the place I’m currently editing just fine, but as soon as I try to “publish as” to a different place, it fails entirely. This is preventing me from updating my game.


I tried turning off team create as a previous reply suggested, but I’m still getting the “Attempted to upload invalid content” error.

I was able to use Publish As just fine earlier today, but it stopped working a few hours ago, even after rebooting my PC.


I have the same issue. My place contains a lot of meshes and is overall a big place. I cannot use my laptop to publish with, but it works fine on my better PC.

Hia, apologies for the very late reply,

I won’t be able to go back and grab to logs now, but I haven’t been facing the issue recently with any of the new save files I’ve been working on.
Fingers crossed now :crossed_fingers:

Thanks all for the support in solving this issue!

I’m now experiencing this issue:

I wasn’t experiencing it a few days ago when I worked on the same game on a different internet. Now that I’m with family for Thanksgiving, and had some downtime, I tried updating my game. But, now I get that error.

Teamcreate is off and publishing fails:

The only thing I’ve done so far is update a local script to make a mesh transparent. I don’t think it’s what I changed. I first assumed it was an internet or server connection thing, but now I’m not sure.

edit: I’m no longer experiencing the issue, but am now on a different laptop of mine. same internet. :person_shrugging: