Game creator commissions not showing up in revenue tab

I recently created a tipping system in a game, which allows for players to set a game pass or t-shirt to allow them to get 60% of the posted price, whilst 10% goes to the game creator, according to the relevant documents I’ve looked at.

However, after this has been implemented and players have tipped other players, it seems as if no revenue is appearing in the pending tab, nor the revenue tab.

  • I don’t believe this is a scripting issue, as prompting the gamepass or t-shirt with Roblox methods works 100% fine in game, as well as actually purchasing. (PromptPurchase works fine essentially)
  • This is a group game, therefore I’m under the assumption this would go into the groups funds.

I’ve investigated on the devforums, and although I did find posts somewhat similar, I was unable to find a viable solution or any answers. Asking others seemed to raise more confusion as well. Does anyone know if there is anything that must be added for 10% commissions to be added, or if this is simply a visual bug?

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