Game Design, Hellmet inspired

  • A Game Inspired By Hellmet

Hello, Im Nathan, I’ve been a developer for the past 2+ years, and i started progress on a “Hellmet” like game, AKA a S.W.A.T game.

I was looking to know if my design is good enough (LOBBY) and i want people to rate my design 1/10 and leave their opinions on it! :smiley:


Alright, So for the lobby im going for a cutscene, that slowly descends down, and while descending it will be a surface gui, like in movies “Made with dedication by Rust-Bucket Rus-Tudio”, Btw that name will not be pernament, dont judge me by it :sob:

Then on the bottom on a swat team with a swat tank in front (you know the swat with shield) and the version in top left, on top with the title annd subtitle, and after 2 seconds a popup on the bottom “Press any key to continue” (Sorry for stealing half the ideas from hellmet i will need to credit it)

Then a explosion with a skull broken on top (Doors skull for now) with a shot inhead (A transparent skull) and 4 buttons (Start lobby, Jojn lobby, Shop, Abilities)


give me your opinions and rate 1/10

Heres the concept vid

not bad, but i can’t give an accurate rating of your “design” if you don’t present it to us :pensive: 6/10

sure i made the concept already,
i use free recording software and i cant really download it , it makes autolink

i actually can download it

looks pretty good! but you should probably move this to #help-and-feedback before some nerd mf starts grilling you on how you put it in the wrong category

This is the first time I’ve seen you comment seriously…

(I guess it’s reply)

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Is the DOORS skeleton icon a placeholder?

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pretty cool, the fonts need some work

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ye it will be changed soon lol