Game dev for hire! [OPEN]

Hello there! My name is uravg. I can script build and other thing as well. But I mainly specialize in scripting rendering. I am fairly decent at the other things. Please message me to talk to me about being hired and seeing my work! :wave:

Anybody wanna hire me? :point_right::point_left::point_right::point_left::point_right::point_left::point_left:

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Iā€™d suggest adding more to this portfolio. Add categories like examples, payment, and contact, as well as changing the title to include the type of development. Check out the portfolio template to get an idea of what to add.

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Got it! Thanks. :pray:

Thanks bro!


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Yo thanks for my first like bros! :pray: Much appreciated.

Okay, thank you so much! :pray: This will be very helpful.