Game doesn't work on any servers (Loads forever)

My game only works if I play test on roblox studio. But if I try to make a local server or play the game from the website it just loads for infinity.

Ive used alot of task.wait() in my scripts but the game won’t work without them
and there is a remote event that occurs

Is there any while true do scripts, without any cool down?

Did you check the console in the game and see if there are any errors popping up?

yes its for a light flickering

maybe your game is very large so its taking time for roblox to download and run it on a server. save your game as a file and check how large the file is

Would still take the same time to load locally, not like it’s any different

its 118 KB . The game is just a tv that has changing decals and audio right now

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does it work in studio. because maybe its crashing

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