Game dying because of boring icon?

So my game died down. It went from 4k active players to 200 in a month. That’s bad I know, could it have something to do with the icon of the game?

I’m getting more players when I have the alt goth style icon that is more appealing towards teen style. Compared to the easter girly icon that appealing towards kid style.
Could this be because people are looking for alt games and it’s something they don’t see compared to girly games such as fashion famous, royal high.?

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This is making me nervous to explore icon styles as I don’t want to be goth alt everyday for players to be intrested.

I even put on a 100k sponser with the easter icon and i barely peaked at 300 active players. compared to when i just changed my icon to the alt one its already nearly peaking 500 players without sponsering. (Reminder I just changed the icon about 10 minutes ago back to the goth one and I’m already seeing a 200 difference in players)

Only way to get more is to change it back.

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Something I’ve learned when talking with front page game developers is your icon is one of the biggest things that determines your player count. Always go with the icon that is attracting more clicks and players because if that’s the case then the icon is clearly working.


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