Game Ending Concept

I made this concept for a game ending and I personally quite like it, but I was looking for some feedback and suggestion for it. Sorry about the video link because the video was too long. I put a link to the game in case you want to test it yourself :slight_smile:

Game: Game Ending Test - Roblox

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Pretty neat, really liked the background music and the end credits background, though, the transition to the end credits and the end-end credits going to black faster could be faster.

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It’s great hopefully the game will be good otherwise nobody would experience the ending

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Personally, I think it’s really cool!

The only thing I don’t like is the final text that scrolls.
I wouldn’t have it overlap with the decorative squares; I’d let it scroll in the center of the screen instead.

Also, I’m experiencing firsthand that the average player’s patience is practically nonexistent, so I would speed up all the animations and give the option to skip the credits.

Great job anyway!