Game feedback - "Blade of Chance" (Soon to release hopefully)

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Hi Devs!
This post is just to ask for feedback on my game “Blades of Chance” which I hope to release soon. The premise is to roll for randomly generated swords, which are all different due to the colors, part shapes, materials, vfx, etc all being random. In between now and m y last post, I have implemented a skill tree, rolling animation, sword auras (1/100 to get an aura on a sword, which you then get a random one) bug fixes, and more.
Right now I am mostly looking for feedback on things to change, but new additions would also be helpful.
Here is the link


Hey there!

I briefly tried your game, and ran into a couple of bugs/qol things that turned me off pretty quickly.

Firstly, the roll animation needs to be much much quicker in my opinion, as I waited roughly 10 seconds for my first sword. This much time waiting between rolls may not keep retention aswell as a quicker roll time, so I’d look into that. Secondly, it seemed like I wasn’t able to damage npcs with my sword. Finally, there were a multitude of bugs, such as the skill tree seeming to not function at all. Also, I turned on autoroll and when I turned it off it would not stop rolling, making it impossible to go back to manual rolling.

Overall, I see the idea you’re going for, but it needs a bit of polish and bug fixing, and some more content.

Good luck with your game!


Thank you so much for the feedback. As for autoroll, at the moment it just keeps rolling until you get a rare sword, so I’ll change that to make it stop whenever you click the button again. I’ll make sure to fix these bugs
Thanks again for the feedback.


Ah I see! Maybe you should not entirely scrap that, and instead make it a feature. For example, make it so the user can choose a certain rarity to stop the autoroll on OR manually stop it.

Good luck on bug fixes!

Yeah, I think it’s a good idea to add the manual stop, I feel like autoroll is a feature I should keep. Unfortunately, I am unable to find the skill tree bug/damage bug at the moment, is it possible you could elaborate on what was wrong with it?
Thanks again

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It seemed like I wasn’t able to damage npcs with swords (unless that’s intended behavior), and when I opened the skill tree it was completely blank and I could not navigate it.

Weird, maybe it was just unpublished it works in studio just fine. I’ll just publish it and test it in the main game. also for the skill tree to nagivate it you click the nodes, Ill make that more clear.