I’m working on a game that is like a simulator however I’m currently in the process of making it unique. For now though I’m trying to make sure the game is working well without many bugs. The game is in early development. Which is why the map isn’t way too big. Any feedback is appreciated and don’t be afraid to give feedback. Remember that there’s no such thing as bad feedback!
PS: I’m currently in the game so I might give some bonus coins for testing.
First thing I noticed is that you’re using .TouchEnded for your UIs, which means the touch ends when users jump, making the UI appear unintentionally. Also, maybe when users press the X button, they teleport to outside of the ring?
Another thing, the camera being forced to be so close to the user feels kind of crowded, perhaps extend the limit a bit?
Another thing, when it snows, the grass stays green, maybe make the grass snowy?
Thanks, I’ll take your great advice into consideration. However the upgrades resetting is intentional. I’ll most likely remove the snow since the particles don’t fit. I’ll consider using a aspect ratio constraint. I’ll also be increasing the camera max zoom distance. I’ll also be using camera manipulation for gamepasses. I’m adding more coin options though later in development to increase replayability value for higher level players. (Wow I’ve said a lot of "I’ll"s lol). Anyways it’s thorough advice like this that helps me. Thanks again for taking the time to check out my game.