Hello! Currently I’m working on a remake of my old gasa4 inspired game and I wanted to see if you seem to like it, there is a bunch of models to mess around with and things with proximity prompts lol.
I’ll only have the game open for a couple of days while I continue to add features and gain feedback.
Also if you have any ideas, please let me know!
While testing, I noticed that you can reset during the cutscene triggered by one of the doors to mess with your character when you respawn. During my first test, I reset immediately upon starting the cutscene, and when I respawned, I was in the third person and unable to move. I then tested it again and reset exactly as I emerged from the other end of the door, and when I respawned my character was stuck walking to the left and jumping.
Stylistic choices are nice, but the room should be bigger, furniture larger/smaller depending on what object, and everything just a bit more fit to the size of a roblox character. For example, the bed was too small, the can the right size, and the desk too large. This is something so many games get wrong, or just dont implement because of size limitations. For a game like this though, it just feels right to have the size of things match roblox characters. Of course this is very picky because almost everything is great about it. Keep up the good work
I’m thinking of scrapping that type of door because I can’t figure out how to make it close when the cutscene is finished so you can keep re-opening it
In the final game, the reset character feature will be disabled and if you want to go to the menu, there will be a button