Game Feedback Help

Hello fellow Robloxians, recently I released a game and wanted to get feedback on why it’s not performing as I thought it would at least get some traction

So as help for this investigation I ask you developers to take yourself and ask a friend or 2 and test my game for about 10-15m(it’s multiplayer) and check for feedback to increase player counts.

Link: speakin 👋 [NEW] - Roblox

Would really appreciate if you can do this!


This is a cool concept! Reminds me of Neighbors.

A few suggestions

  • Give the game more life. Make ways players can interact with the world. You could add like a bench, a tree, and even some decorations like a fire hydrant or something along those lines on each square.

  • Players want to “play.” You could add tools that you start out with, buy with robux, or unlock the more you play the game. These tools could be used to troll or screw around with.

  • INVEST. INVEST. INVEST. You need to invest in your game… and you don’t necessarily need to spend real money. If you have DIscord, I highly recommend joining the Roblox Developer servers RoDevs and Roblox Developers. There you can both hire and be hired/commissioned for jobs that can pay in all sorts of ways, Robux, USD (Paypal, cashapp, etc.) Or even gift cards! You can do small, or big commissions that pay a lot of Robux. You can then turn this Robux around and use it to advertise your experience, or commission people to game GFX, Models, scripting assist, etc. Just as an example that this works, for only about two hours of work; I made 15,000 Robux just making train assets. You may have heard this, but the more you get commissioned, the more likely you are to get commissioned; because people like how you work therefor they will commission you more.

I actually really like your game concept, and I want to see it succeed!


Ok, but how should I even start to grow a player count?

sponsor/advertise your game, there’s no way for a playerbase to magically appear out of thin air

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You must spend that robux for ads to gain players, it’s the only way. I wouldn’t tho tbh

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Why wouldn’t you spend robux to advertise?

I meant that i wouldn’t advertise this particular game, waste of ads money imo

How would advertising this game be a waste???

In my opinion although the concept seems fun, it might be difficult to stand out against similar games, so I reckon advertising this game in particular might not be very effective.

Again there’s already quite a few popular games doing a similar thing. Should always consider this when trying to market a game.

Still, I think adding more unique features and maybe making/getting some better artwork might help a lot to bring more people in! (If you plan on advertising).

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