Game Feedback: How can I improve my game?

:wave: Hope whoever is reading this is well, thanks for stumbling across my post. I’ve made this post seeking advice as I’m desperate for community feedback and insight on what could be the reason towards my game failing. I have a few ideas however, I can never settle on one.

The Main Issues :wrench:
My main issue with the game is the statistics, the game has very low retention, with Day 1 retention being as little as 1.45%, and Day 7 retention being as minimal as 0.07% whilst Day 30 retention is non-existent.

The game gains about 100-140 new players everyday here and there with CCU being flatlined at 0 most of the time.

The main audience for the game is a younger audience who are interested in a simple game.

What is the game about? :thought_balloon:
The game is a simple “Would You Rather” game with other attributes inflicted such as 3 mini-obbies with increasing difficulty to keep players occupied during rounds that they may have missed + intermissions, a spleef area and an egg hatching area with pets. Players can purchase swords in the game and the game also has a map voting system for different maps every round.

What are you asking? :thinking:
I’m asking for a few minutes of your time, if you’re willing, to try give any insight on what I could do to improve statistics and overall player engagement within the game. I’m also taking in and responding to all comments that regard feedback or advice, thank you so much for reading.

Play the game here:
:point_right: Would You Rather 🤔 - Roblox

Small Sidenote

I have ran multiple sponsored advertisements across the game over the past month, the game has peaked at around 700 CCU yet dies very quickly. I’m looking for advice to attempt to improve the game using feedback and insight before doing another round of sponsored advertisements, thanks alot.

Bump - would appreciate any comments on this. :slight_smile:

I’m 100% sure I found out why players play and leave the game.
The most important part in your game that keeps players playing as long as possible is gifting system - time gifts and “free sword”
I found bug when player reset their character or dies the rewards GUIs doesn’t show.
Also would recommend you to create bug reporting system or somehow allow players to give their feedback for the game.
The game is well made and I’m sure you can reach success with it!


Thanks alot for reporting this and I will get it fixed ASAP, I’m also going to add daily rewards to try improve retention in the next update so hopefully that works out.

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I couldn’t play for more than a minute because the map is so blindingly bright

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Hey, thanks alot for your feedback.

I have very noticeably dimmed the map in a new update I’m planning to release this weekend. Any other feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks alot! :slight_smile:

I didn’t play for that long–However, this was due to the fact that there weren’t enough players to do anything, so it’s probably not relevant to your problem, since you would probably advertize again.

However, I think it would be helpful if players get teleported to the place where you choose a side. Due to all of the other features in the game, it’s easy to get sidetracked and miss out on the main point of the game, so I think this would help players actually play the game.

I noticed that your sponsors attracted a lot of players (700+ CCU is really good imo), but if your game isn’t picking up steam, you may be advertizing with the wrong goal in mind. In the end, the key point of advertizing is to let the Roblox algorithm pick up your game and push in to the home recommendations and such.

The algorithm usually takes about 2 weeks to get your game going, so try to make your game look as good as possible in that timeframe. In other words, sponsor throughout that time, or find other ways to keep your player count and your other stats in good shape for the entire two weeks.

Chances are, you probably already know this stuff and this isn’t very helpful :sweat_smile:. But anyhow, I’m happy to help.

P.S. - The spleef is way too small/easy! Maybe increase the size? Everything else looks nice, keep it up!


Thanks alot, I really appreciate the feedback. I did initially add a feature that teleported players to the pick a side section however I removed it since some players were complaining about getting interrupted whilst playing a side-minigame such as the obbies or spleef, I guess that does relate to them getting “sidetracked” as you said, which I completely agree with.

However this was during the games first initial release when I didn’t have much experience (around 1-2 months ago), considering it again and I will definitely be re-adding this with a toggle feature to enable/disable teleportation just to prevent annoyance.

I will also be changing the spleef area as you suggested by increasing the size, thanks alot for that suggestion.

Thanks alot for the suggestions, I really appreciate it! :slight_smile:

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:arrow_right: Just an update on this, I’ve decided to replace the reward system to try improve retention, thought I should let you know.

Below is a daily reward system that I’ll be publishing when I start sponsoring :slight_smile:

P.S - about the free sword reward I’ve scrapped it and replaced it with a pet which I think would incentivize players more, you can check it out below

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