Game Feedback: How can I improve my game?

Hello to whoever’s reading this! :wave:

A game I’ve been working on for a while now is close to being finished with a few minor bugs needing fixing. I was hoping I could get feedback on it to improve the game before it releases.

It is a simple obby game. Currently there are around 50+ levels but I’m planning on adding more before releasing. I’ve mostly been focusing on more interesting parts like the obby 1v1 system. and some other systems like the feedback board

from the testing I’ve done the game work’s well. But I still think it can be improved which is why I’m asking for your help.

Here is the game link: Astra’s Ultimate Obby - Roblox


The game icon and thumbnails will all most likely be changed.

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what do i do lol

edit: the jump pads are pretty buggy and feel kinda jank to get launched by; consider switching their runcontext to local


I played the game and it was actually pretty fun. There were a few stages that were confusing and I wasn’t sure how to beat them.

Only feedback I could give you is to maybe add a theme to the game or something to make it stand out from other similar games.
What helps me with this same issue with my games is to think “What makes my game better than this game that is similar”.

pro tip: maybe add a creative feature like instead of just being an obby, make it an obby but you are an Apache attack helicopter or something

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Hey sorry for late reply. Thanks for showing me this It should be fixed shortly :+1:

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