So, a few weeks ago, I launched the first alpha for my game, “Spacenauts”, it features several possibilities on a procedurally generated star system, here’s some gameplay of it:
Here’s the game:
I’m looking for some feedback to know what could be changed and how to advertise it, If you play it, please consider voting it, thanks.
Hey! First impression is the key to a game’s success.
You should change the game’s thumbnail and icon as well as in-game gui font to make it more understandable as i can’t read that well with the current game’s font.
Also when the planets are generating add some tips and remove the “it will take 3 minutes and 6 seconds” text (also a loading bar would be good as currently it’s just a black screen)
Music sounds really good and the sound effect do too.
Starting menu looks really good, i’d add a title text like minecraft does or a little space pod floating in the background to make it more interactive.
Other stuff
Please add a tutorial, the game looks really good, mix between subnautica and minecraft but i can’t understand what to do.
The starting cutscene should be a little shorter and you should make it so the player can’t move the camera and the character head-animation moves actual player camera instead.
View bobbing as well as other camera improvements and character animation improvements
Multiplayer, 100%
Gamemode and options selector screen when you create a world would be good too (maybe there is and i’m just dumb and didn’t see it)
Overall great game! Wish you the best of luck on this project