Hey there devs! My name is Azerux, but i don’t think that matters.
Anyways, a couple weeks ago i was brainstorming ideas for a new game. That’s when i thought of an obby racing game with some unique mechanics. So far, i think the game is pretty awesome. But feedback would be cool since this is only my 2nd project i am hoping to release and grow big with.
Here is the game for those who wish to give feedback:
(Please be aware the mechanics are in demo phase and everything is subject to change!)
Future Plans:
- Functional leaderboards (This includes, most wins, speedrunning, and more.)
- Custom animations
- Special effects when triggering certain features (For instance, pressing a button gives an animation)
- Shop (This includes, trails, animations, titles, and more.)
- And a lot more other cool stuff!
Lastly, i am a solo developer. Not only that, i am not the best scripter out there. I am trying my best and i hope im doing good so far