I made this game in two days. The builds are simple and lazy, but I want you guys to mostly focus on the effects and the coding. I just finished this game so there will be bugs of course. In the beginning, you will have to wait for the five minutes until the announcement is finished. (You will know what I’m talking about when you play the game). Yes I will try to make the announcement shorter. Anyways I hope you like the game!
Note: The game will not make sense without sound so I suggest turning it up
Game link:
Edit: wow guys I’ve never had a game that has more than 3 players in it thanks!
I believe some sort of runway or more scenery outside the window would be a great idea as for now only a grass field with some houses can be seen, overall great work.
Yeah sadly I’m broke so I had to get the audio from the toolbox so my options were very limited. The two people that sit next to you have randomly generated short conversations. Also almost every fight passenger’s appearance is randomly generated by User ID.