Game Feedback on my Roblox Game


Me and my team in BigWorld Studio are working on 2d Platformer called Big World.
We would love some feedback on the level design. If you see anything you like or don’t like, please comment.

The Zugur’s Mines level’s lightning will be fixed.

The story is not in the game at the moment.

Link: here

It’s for PC only at the moment.

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I think you could add a more advanced loading screen, with some visual effects, for example:

Maybe add some sort of blur behind the play button and script the blur effect to disable once you click Play.

I also think the UI Design could be improved, I see you’ve tried to center the Play button but it’s not properly centered, change the Play Buttons AnchorPosition Property to 0.5,0.5 and the actual Position Property to: 0.5,0,0.5,0, that will automatically center on all resolutions.

I do not know whether you have used offset for the sizing, but that will not matter if the game is currently only optimized for PC as the sizing should work on all resolutions.


The UI/menus look fine. I was expecting a game where everything is huge and you have to explore the world and help NPCs.
I was kind of disappointed. The gameplay is pretty boring and the gathering of the green balls and movement of the crushing walls are both slow. Also… 1 hit kills in a sidescrolling game??

What sets this game aside from robloxs’ built in infinite runner or line runner? Not much except from map differences.
The most damaging thing about your game is the gameplay. It’s just really dull & basic (I didnt hear music either) and I’ve already seen 2 game concepts alike to this in the past week. I’m not sure how you could make it unique or fun but sidescrollers on roblox aren’t a big thing so if you’re expecting money & popularity from this game, you wont find it. good luck & i hope this helped

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I use Scale for my guis, so that’s weird.

I forgot to mention in the post: the gui is temporary.

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Hi! Thanks for the feedback!

The story is not in the game at the moment.

This means that the NPC you have to help and cutscenes has not been released yet.

There is music in both levels, so I don’t know why you didn’t hear anything.

The camera is scripter ourselves, and not the Roblox Studio template.

The gameplay is indeed very dull, I’m working on adding moving objects and storms and stuff to try and make it more enjoyable.


Alright, well I’m a UI Designer so contact me on discord if you need any assistance:


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Thanks for the offer! I’m a pretty decent UI Designer myself though and I think I can do it :slight_smile:

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Alright cool, all the best with your game!