Game Feedback wanted

In this game you own a bank and you have to produce money. It’s a bit like a tycoon game except you can place assets as you want. You can at first only place 3 droppers at once and if you want to place more you have to pay gems. Gems are produced by droppers and better droppers have more chance of spawning gems.
I would like some feedback on the game and your advice whether I should sponsor this game or not.
If anybody would take some time out of their day to come review the game I’d greatly appreciate it.


I suggest editing the icon of the removal button to this


The GFX’s are better than the actual game, there are so many roblox games within the same theme.

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What do you mean by same theme ?
If you mean that it isn’t original, my game has a unique building system which is quite rare for tycoons themed games.

Hey, just gave your game a try and I’ve got a few thoughts.

First thing’s first, it’s great fun. The building system is really unique and I can see players getting a major addiction to creating factories within your game; especially if you’re planning on allowing the factories to have multiple floors (heck even going underground as well) so that they’re basically building their own Tycoon game overall.

The main problem I can immediately see is that I believe the diamond system hurts this thought. If you’d ask me, I’d say that increasing the prices of higher tiered items, or creating unique objectives to buy and upgrade to those tiers; but allowing the player to go wild creating and building dropper paths would work better than “the player will have to farm the obby in order to place more than 3 droppers.”
(Though the tutorial DOES said that the droppers would drop diamonds, I figure this wasn’t implemented yet though, so take this with a pinch of salt.)

Another much lesser thing is no longer wanting to place a piece could maybe have a dynamic [X], but clicking on the item again worked as well, just not as common so players might not immediately catch onto it.

Of course its in an early stage, so these aren’t really criticisms, just suggestions from another dev that doesn’t know your plans for the future! I really enjoyed just how easy it was to pick up on building, and this project definitely has a TON of potential to be the popular game that future Tycoons try to mimic. Great work!

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Thank you very much for your answer, it helps a lot !

I agree with you one of the main problem may be the gem system, even if droppers actually drop gems, the spawn rate is maybe too low and this lead the game to have it’s main loop based on “the player will have to farm the obby in order to place more than 3 droppers.” as you said.

Also I loved your objective idea and I think this would be a great way of giving players gems.

Thank you for your time, I really appreciate it !