Game feels bland, and boring

Hello everyone,

Recently, I’ve been feeling like my game is bland and somewhat soulless. I want it to feel more alive. While our game is still in beta, I am not quite sure what changes or improvements I need to make in order to give it life. Suggestions are very welcome. Here are some pictures, and a link, we don’t have animations yet, we are still in beta.



I would suggest you add animations. I’m not being sarcastic, I’m serious.

You’re using AI, look there.


We do plan to, but currently, there are two owners, and both of us are still in school. We can’t afford to pay someone to create animations at this time. However, we plan to start working on the game in May.

As I mentioned, there are two owners and we can’t afford to pay someone to create icons or thumbnails for us. Also, when I asked for suggestions I was referring to the main game.

Yes, but AI can make it feel bland and uncreative even without playing it.


I mean, he does have a point. You can use AI to give you good ideas on what to do, and the implement them if they are in your scope.

We are aware and plan to hire someone for icons and thumbnails in May.


By that I meant manually implementing them, NOT having AI do the code.

I was referring to the AI thumbnail and icon.


I was referring to the point you made about AI, it’s still a good point regardless to use AI for idea generation. I mean, that’s kind of the only thing AI is actually good at more than 50% of the time.

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The terrain looks great, but everything else doesn’t make much sense. The UI, Music, and Map don’t match the vibe that you’re probably going for. I also couldn’t climb anything, is that intentional?

Basically, I couldn’t find what to do in the game. Could be an issue!


After looking some points I have are:
Lighting/colors - seems dull and washed out
UI - Ui doesn’t match with the game
Style - looks like a few styles are clashing
Extra visuals - like particles or other effects

Additionally there are are small things you could do, like fixing the staircase so its wedge collision instead of each stair part being collidable (makes for a smoother experience)

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I worked on the coding, but I wasn’t involved in the UI design or the map. I agree with you; I’m not sure what music would fit the vibe for a game like this. Regarding the issue with climbing, I don’t understand why that would happen since I tested it in Roblox Studio and everything seemed to work correctly. Also, the game is pretty self-explanatory considering the name “BloClimb Bouldering.” Your bouldering.



  • Most minigame buttons do not work
  • The prompt is very easy to miss
  • No animations
  • Very slow progression
  • Much easier to just climb normally

UI Design

  • Created poorly with Roblox UI editor
  • Doesn’t match with environment
  • Some buttons are unresponsive
  • Menus are parented inside of button, which is unflexible
  • The chat is also very hard to read
  • Soft shutdown looks very odd, hard to tell what was happening
  • Settings don’t save
  • JOIN GAME sequence shows when you walk upstairs instead of when you join


  • The terrain looks polished, but the builds don’t
  • Many areas are restricted
  • The most important area is not very pronounced, hard to tell it’s important
  • There are roads, but nothing to drive to. The roads also look silly:

Overall, it seems the entire game is filler just for the climbing minigame. The issue is the game idea itself is bland and boring, so you can’t make a good game that revolves around it, unfortunately.

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This is what I needed, I appreciate it.

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