I am trying to change the genre of my game to Sci-Fi. When I go to settings and save it as sci fi, it does no appear on the game page. I tried waiting a few hours for it to update and still nothing happened.
Hi there, I am also facing some kinds of issues with this. Instead of genre, im facing this issue with the game’s description. Every time I reload it, the description is either gone or it cuts a little bit off.
Hello, I am also experiencing issues with updating the game description, the genre, and toggling allowed gears. Does anyone have any ideas to fix this?
I have been able to allow one type of gear, however not allowing any type has not been possible. It may also be possible for you only to toggle some types.
I found a fix. Anytime you go to update the game info (Description, Genre, etc…) It will not update. To get it to update, simply edit the title and save that.
For example - I changed my game genre. Then added an extra space in between the “Asteroid Tag” title of my game. I then saved these changes, and the title and genre were updated. After that just go back and change the title to it’s original. The genre and description should still be the updated ones. Hope this helps!