Game got taken down for seemingly no reason?

Today I woke up to my Discord server going absolutely crazy. After quite a bit of head scratching, I logged into Roblox and saw

and this in direct messages

With that said, my game does not include any of the things mentioned in the ban/message. It’s a Military Tycoon game that for the most part follows a pretty standard formula dozens of other Military Tycoons on Roblox follow. The gameplay loop is as simple as the player building a military base, buying new weapons, and capturing objectives to make more in-game money. This is the game in question.

Safe to say this is catastrophic for our development group. Also safe to say that lack of any explanations on why that happened and on how to get our game back up and running is infuriating.


I had the same issue today a year ago, but my account was terminated and later unbanned but my game remained banned. For now, I would recommend just emailing Roblox about this matter, and hopefully, you get your game back.


The real question is are we the lucky few or is this common, especially for big games.

I’d like to reiterate that the game breaks no Roblox rules at all, which is proven by the dozens of YT videos of people playing the game with millions of views (that’s all there is left sadly, since game itself is no longer playable).

I’ve seen interesting moves from Roblox, but this is simply unacceptable.

I quit my full-time job to pursue Roblox development but now I’m terrified, furious and in the middle of reevaluating my life choices.


Not really sure how to preface this, but this is incredibly infuriating and stressful. As someone who’s developed for the game in question for over 2 years, I’ve watched the game go through its ups and downs, and have helped build it to what it is today.

But now I have to question if Roblox development is actually stable. Moderation has always been terrible on Roblox, but seeing a game with hundreds of concurrent players being seemingly taken down by automod is a new low. If this happened to a game with over a thousand people playing at once, what’s to say it won’t happen to other larger games?

Also, as someone who’s contributed over 170 million visits to several games on this platform- some even front page- I am infuriated by this moderation and lack of long-term stability. If this action isn’t reverted I will likely be taking my contributions to a different platform.


I think it’s important that far more information is provided when a heavy-handed action like this is taken, and unless the content is very clearly egregious and done in bad faith, it may be better to just send a warning with a description of what needs to be changed.

Seen a few other games taken down, really active ones with thousands of players, and it required an e-mail to get things back up and running.

So much time and effort goes into making these games, knowing your project is always on thin ice at all times is going to push talent elsewhere


This is pretty common, as far as I’ve noticed. I’ve seen a few Youtube videos about this matter, and I always have to question why the Roblox staff doesn’t look at the game/scripts before they make their final verdict or even a decision.

@Sticksdacat I also wonder if developing on Roblox is even a good idea or not. Their automod system is definitely flawed, but it feels like they refuse to acknowledge that and just base everything off that system. I still have hope for this issue to be fixed but only time can tell as this will definitely not be the last time this happens.

But I hope you get your game back. I understand what you’re going through, but let’s hope Roblox does the right thing. As this is one of a developer’s biggest nightmares of when will you be falsely hit by any form of termination and lose all you have made.


Here’s the final update on the situation.

  1. Our game is back up and running, thank you three thousand on behalf of our team to those of you who have been supporting us during this stressful period.

  2. For fellow developers out there, here’s the reason our game got suspended in the first place:

    The interesting part about this is that the medicines stated in the message were never ever accessible to regular players - they are part of disabled legacy code of a framework we’ve been using as a basis for our first-person shooter mechanics.

The takeaway here is that this moderation action was, I’m 99.9% certain, automated. A real person has no way of accessing the flagged content. Fellow developers, please be careful of what you have in your codebases, especially in parts inaccessible by players. The automod shows no mercy.


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