Game Guard - A configurable server-sided universal anti-cheat

Game Guard - A configurable server-sided universal anti-cheat

Game Guard is an extremely customizable server-sided anti-cheat made in order to help you make your games secure based on your preferences.

:arrow_down: Install

:books: Documentation

:star: Pro Version

What is Game Guard?

We made Game Guard public because we know how hard it is to make your own games anti-cheats but the main problem was, most of the anti-cheats out there are specific to certain games; the intention of Game Guard was to create an API in order for you to be able to customize the anti-cheat to work with your game, having very little false detections.


  • :running_man: Walk speed detection.
  • :cloud: Jump power detection.
  • :superhero: Flight detection.
  • :ghost: No-clip detections.
  • :x: Add exclusions to players.
  • :gear: Extremely configurable and easy-to-use API.

Not all of the functions have been listed in the above table, just the important ones. Please read the documentation for a full list of functions and features.

A quick demonstration of checking walk speed:

local gameGuard = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService").GameGuard)
local Players = game:GetService("Players")


    gameGuard:checkSpeed(plr, 16, function(plrToCheck, state, detectionType, data)
        if state then
            plrToCheck:Kick("You were detected for exploiting in this experience. Detection: " .. detectionType .. ".")

Want to test it out yourself in the game?

You can test out Game Guard in our showcase game with the link provided below. Please keep in mind that the anti-cheat showcased in our showcase place is the pro version of Game Guard.

Some important instructions:

:book: Introduction

:cd: Installation

:video_game: Your First Game

The Contributors

Project Lead - TwoBrakeRBX
Programming - NoNameStuffRBX


Thank you for considering to use Game Guard and reading this post! Hope you like it, feel free to leave any comments or suggestions on this post below. :wave:


why is there a pro version bruhhh


I don’t think kicking is a good idea. What if the anti cheat false detected it? I think a better way to prevent high speeding characters would be teleporting them to their previous position.

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You don’t have to kick them. You can teleport them back if you want to, its fully customizable.


Does the “Client Anti Cheat” use parallel luau aka actors or not, and does it use handshakes?

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In order to achieve this, you can use the data object that is passed in the function to get their last known position. Please keep in mind that you can design your own methods of punishments for when a player is detected.

Example usage from the documentation:

local gameGuard = require(script.Parent.gameGuard)
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local gameGuard = require(script.Parent.gameGuard)
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

    local WalkSpeed = 16
    gameGuard:checkSpeed(plr, WalkSpeed, function(plrToCheck, state, detectionType, data)
        print(plrToCheck) -- Prints the player who was detected.
        print(state) -- Prints a boolean, true or false based on whether or not the player was detected.
        print(detectionType) -- Will print "speed".
        print(data) -- Returns data table:
        -- {
        --     ["mag"] = mag, -- The magnitude between newPos and prevPos.
        --     ["calc"] = calculatedSpeed, -- The calculated speed.
        --     ["prevPos"] = prevPos -- The previous position.
        --     ["newPos"] = newPos -- The new position at the check.
        -- }

The Client Anti-Cheat uses a handshake between the server and client.

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what is your reasoning for making a pro version?

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Our reasoning for developing a pro version is due to the amount of work and time our team put into this project. I feel that we are being fairly considerate open sourcing a various amount of functions included in our solution.

I still believe that the free version of Game Guard is a very useful resource that not only can help you secure your game by using simple functions that we have developed, but you can also learn a lot about working with methods to secure your game as you can read the source code.

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In all honesty the source code is pretty messy and all smooshed together some spaces would look nice

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In my opinion, I believe the formatting of the code is entirely preference based but we will take your opinion into consideration and make the code formatted in a way that makes it easier for the user to read in the next update.

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Cool! I haven’t checked out the source code but from what it seems, this is pretty good!!

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The pro version was very much inspired by CheatBlocker pro :sunglasses:

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Is this anti-cheat disconnected? I can’t open the documentation or anything with links you sent.

How is the performance while players are running around playing normally?
How much Script activity % is used when 2-8 players are running around normally, and how much does that impact performance?