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What price could this go for? I’m only just starting out with commissions and selling

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This looks like a “bacon hair” fighting roasted bacon itself.


I can’t tell if that’s a compliment or an insult

It’s a neutral comment. Since you asked, the GFX is very well done, but the pose isn’t very harmonious, and the background is too nuanced. Consider having a clash between the two and focus the effects only on the weapons, not everywhere.

Ah okay thank you, i’ll consider that for next time


As for values, I can’t help you. But I have some suggestions regarding the art.

  • Prioritize quality

In this art, the rays took over the scene, the problem is not that, but rather the lack of quality present in the dolls. Try rendering the doll and poses.
In a second program, add the effects (again, prioritize quality), the background and whatever else you want.

  • Angle

While we understand what happens in the image, it seems confusing.
Try enlarging the field of view. Maybe from top to bottom it will be good. Try other poses on the dolls too.

It was just a few tips - simple ones. I hope it helps you with something. You have potential.

Thank you! I think the poses and the angle is where it mostly got messed up

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It looks nice but I feel like the effects may be a bit too strong. And as far as price, it’s really just whatever you feel like. There’s someone out there that will pay pretty much any price for anything.

This game icon looks great! Nice job on it!