This is the game icon that I have made, I feel like it’s a perfect design but I feel like it’s missing something, I’ve tried extending it but it still feels like it misses the final touch. If anyone has any designs that will make this game icon that I made, please let me know. I want to make it attract eyes and get players to click on the game. I need some marketing help, please let me know if you have a way to attract more clicks.
Sort the items in the background a bit nicer. It seems a bit messy and could be more aesthetically pleasing if you evened out the spaces between items and how they fit together. To make it easier to see the items I would also go with a thicker font!
Also if you want to fill the top and bottom space you could go with lines to enclose the text such as in the THX logo or something:
Would is be possible to Evenly distribute the Items in the background for a clearer vision? I feel like theres to many items to get a clear vision of everything.
Then have less items, I would say quality over quantity especially in a logo.
If a person looks at it from a distance they could not make out so many items yet if you had only a few distinct items it would be easier for someone to identify them.
I’d agree with @SnarlyZoo here. When I first glanced at your thumbnail, it immediately appeared as “RBD” with a bunch of disorganized colors. Of course, after a second, I realized what everything was, but the point of your thumbnail is to grab the attention of players, and if there’s any confusion at all with what’s going on, players may be deterred from playing your game.
Furthermore, it’s not immediately evident, based just off the thumbnail, what your game is about. It shows a bunch of weapons, but does that mean players fight each other, or is it more of a weapons tycoon, or even a roleplay? The core of your game’s genre should be evident in the thumbnail, I think.
The game icon doesn’t give any type of notice on what game it is it just looks more like a bunch and cluttered weapons are placed in different text placements - from my point of view of the icon, looks here and there but you should easily decrease the amount of items you place in certain letters try keeping it as a minimum.
The icon is alright it just needs those details to resemblance of what i’m assuming is a weapon battle sort of game. But the background seems poor you should include more objects in the background just to give players, a good view on what the game is about if i where to see implemented in your game a icon with cluttered weapons in certain letters won’t give a clear view on what the game is.
You could use inspiration from other games that feature this sort of style or theme just to have that design implemented inside your game icon should give players a little information on what the game is about.