Game Icon for a gun game

This is a Game Icon for a gun game. Please give your feedback. I would appreciate it.

If you would like to use it, you can.


Looks great, really catches the eye maybe even too bright in my opinion. But if you were to use it as a game icon, it needs the game title in it. Games like Adopt me or Welcome to Bloxburg all of the title of the game in their game icons.


The posing is very good but the green light just doesn’t look good or attractive. I would suggest sing a white or a bit warmer light instead of green and add a bit of rim light too.
The gun and helmet material could also be improved by adding a bit of shine to it since its mainly made of plastic.

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I like the green lighting, reminds me of night vision, but maybe change the background to black so it looks more clean. Also the NEW thingy is irritating, it’s too small to see in a game icon anyways.

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Yeah you’re right. I just didn’t make a game. If someone would want to use it, I can put a name for it.

That’s actually a good idea. I’ll for sure try to do that. For the new thing I can make it smaller.

Hey, it looks great and pretty eye-catching! But maybe try removing the black shadow around the soldier there? I think it doesn’t really fits it at all. If you could, try to give it some background instead of that common sun ray background like the battlefield and enemies shooting from behind. But overall, you did a great job!

Looking very nice! i also like the simulator type, but what you want to avoid is using the same color as the background for your character. And the meshes look very plastic like. I would prefer making things more shiny like giving the gun and helmet a metallic tint. For that you can use PBR.
If you need to make an icon, just look at the gamepage of roblox. In your case you are having a simulator kind of icon, so take a peak at simulators and notice their similarities and differences.

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Really nice. I might try to add some red in some parts. Really good!