Game Icon uploads should keep the previous icon until moderation approval

The Problem: Today, it’s difficult to upload an update to your Game Icon.
The current process requires uploading your icon to another game to have the image pre-approved. You then upload the icon again once it’s been approved, this time to the main game, so that it can instantly appear to your players.
We follow this process to remove the possibility of our players seeing a pending icon:
Screen Shot 2022-12-05 at 1.11.22 PM

The proposed solution: Keep our previous Game Icon visible until our new icon is approved.
This would remove the entire process listed above. Additionally, players would see fewer pending icon images on the Games page, on their Recommended, and on their Home.


Temp solution: Show the old game icon whenever new icons are still being moderated - #2 by ItsKoiske

I agree! We really need this addition. Seeing a game with a pending icon really makes it look unfinished and less official, making me or others less likely to click it. Keeping the old icon temporarily would also help keep the games page looking “clean” and finished. (Also not having to upload the icon onto a separate game first would be nice :joy:)


I agreed! Players gets confused “Which game is that” lol. It should be fixed soon.

Agreed, though it isn’t that much extra work to have the icon pre-approved on another place.

This is exactly what I detailed in my original post and why I made this post: To remove that process.


YES, Aggreged 100% with this only if we can’t pre approve icons maybe you could just use the approved one as a temp image.

EDIT: Also have this apply to a group icon

Without an approved icon it makes the game look sketchy or fake!

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I agree, just thought that I’d share this workaround for those who are looking for a solution now while waiting for Roblox to enact on this.

This is a good idea, but could people get confused by thinking that their icon wasn’t saved or not changed?

I’d like to think you could still check progress in the place settings. It’s just that the player facing icon will be whichever was most recently uploaded and approved by moderators.


That’s a good idea for a solution

I agree, it’s quite annoying and it can lead players away.

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Just upload it as a decal, then to your game. It will update instantly.

I would certainly enjoy such a feature - it would be nifty. While uploading to another test place isn’t terribly hard (and would arguably still be better even with this feature in place - since using pre-approved images allows you to control the exact time the icon appears on your game, it would still have to be the method for events & large updates, where timing matters), this solution would generally save time and hassle.

Because of the aforementioned issues, I would almost like a scheduling feature where you get to decide when the game icon changes to a new one (you would submit the new one in advance, then it would be approved, later auto-changing once the scheduled date arrives).


Thanks for sharing this feature request. Interestingly enough, one of our interns worked on this and almost finished. We’re going to see if we can finish and ship it - will let you know.



We very much needed this.

Also, hi seranok.

I got moderated for this “X” image today. I don’t understand the moderation- does Roblox use bots?