Game Idea Feedback

I wanted to discuss a game idea if you guys would play it,

Basically all you guys are toys and you do dances to attract crowds so they can see toys do cool dance moves and In return of that the crowd gives you money for your cool moves and then you can use that money for buying more toys and the process repeats!

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Could you correct your grammar? I having trouble reading that

I guess???

I mean a certainly interesting idea, but depends on how you make it.

My bad should be fixed now, sorry for that

I want to make it similar to YouTube Legends by indieun

So we’re just dancing toys? Sounds intersting…

I mean, do you have any other ideas than dancing, cause for me, dancing sound a bit weird for toys

Maybe if you’re a car you can race, or if you’re a ninja, you fight.
Just an idea

Hold up, what about destroying the toy world in exchange for cash?

Wait, so we try to blow up the world? for cash?
I’m game

Yeah, like that type of idea., destroying the toy world(blocks) for cash

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Definitely, I would totally play that. No questions asked.

I just really like explosions

This sounds like an interesting idea! It would certainly put an spin on an already existing genre of game (Tycoons). However, I personally would plan your idea out more as right now it’s lacking substance, as well as that feel that would make the player want to come back to play it again.

Some questions you should consider:

  • Does the game have an interesting premise?
  • Would I want to play this game if I wasn’t the dev?
  • Would the crowds be of people, or other toys?
  • What would the player do for dances? Would they play some sort of minigame or would they just sit there and wait while the game does it for them?
  • What would other toys look like?
  • What makes my game stand out from the others?

Nah, I changed it from dancing to breaking blocks around the map, and also the toys would be the old Roblox Toys, like IcyTea and Chef

You should take some inspiration from “Be a toy!” I think it would help you out a lot.