Hello! Although I’ve been making games on Roblox Studio for about 2 and a half years, I’ve never fully invested time into scripting. Usually I’d just make a game from a dozen tutorials. Since it’s the new year, I thought it’d be a good time to refresh and start getting big on scripting. Since I’m so new to scripting big projects, (solo should I add)
if anyone has some easy game recommendations to start off my development journey, I’d appreciate your post. Thank you so much!
(edit) Also, by “beginner” I don’t mean I know absolutely nothing about scripting. I know quite a few things about Lua, but by beginner I mean I cannot script mindlessly.
You can use things such as loops(to repeatedly start your rounds over and over), tables(to store all of your minigames), datastores(to save player data), modules(to organize your code more neatly), etc. to make your minigame
Depending on how new you are you can choose so I’ll list ideas from easiest to hardest. Obby with saving, Clicker Simulator, Story Obby (Could be easy as first one or extremely difficult depending on features you add), Story game, Horror Game, Muscle Simulator, the list could go on forever but these are good ideas to upgrade your skills so you can work on a unique project.