Game ideas surrounding marble mechanic

Recently made this marble mechanic, it’s difficult to control and provides an interesting gameplay challenge, however I can’t formulate any ideas around the mechanic to make into a game.
How can I better formulate these ideas? What ideas might you guys have?


If its hard to control, you can make a thing where you have to make it to the end of the level to win or smtn
Is that what you needed?

Sort of, but I’m trying to come up with a full-scope game idea. A race? An independent obby? Or maybe a tag system?

A race would be most common, but idk how a tag game would work

Let’s see paul allens marble mechanic

Jokes aside, I think a game where you have to tag the players would be really fun and challenging cause of how dificult it is to control the marble!

You can even expand it into more gamemodes like infection, mulitple taggers etc

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Make camera move relative to the relative position of head to the center of a ball, mutliplied by a one of a tenth. (this will add the dynamically moving camera effect) + Add sounds if the ball is rolling or falling