Game Ideas/Suggestions

Hello, DevForum Members!

I have recently come to the conclusion that I would like to design a game that will be semi-successful on Roblox, yet I have no rock hard ideas on what the game should be. So, I have come to ask you all:

What game should I make? Ideas, suggestions, etc would help, thank you.


Your game will be your own creation. A game revolves around an idea and if that idea isn’t yours, then is it really your game? Plus, there isn’t just a time where you can just sit down, push your fingers at your head, and think hard. The best you can do is have a relaxed mind and let ideas come. They tend to hit you when you least expect it :wink:.

But, if you want an actual process in coming up with an original game idea, then consider reading this as it basically explains a lot and I don’t want to repeat information.


Hey, @TheCarbyneUniverse!
Thank you for your response, I never really thought about game ideas that way. I’ll be sure to read through your reply post about game design that you linked as well.


Story games seem to be the new popular game genre at the moment. I’m creating one, BUT you must not rush it if its not made correctly it could flop. Be sure to play a few of the top ones to get an idea. Also make it eye catching make the player go :face_with_monocle: :scream:. don’t make it to easy so that players can buy the revives since that would be your main source of income but at the same time don’t make it to hard were players won’t come back. Now is a great time to jump on board before it overflows with to many games like simulators there was a time that you could make a simple but nice simulator and it getting many plays and revenue but now there are to many. Excuse me for my grammar.


Hah, I have noticed recently the uprising of story games on Roblox yet I find that nearly all games have a story behind it anyways, whether it be spoken about or not, or good or not. But thank you for your response anyway, I might continue with my horror game idea.

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Hello there!

There is a short and obvious answer to this. You can create anything, roblox is your imagination.

Good luck! :tada:

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