Game Investors?

I keep seeing people talking about investors for your game? I understand the concept of investing, but how exactly does it work on Roblox?


How most games get popular is by running ads on the game. The more robux you spend on it, the more clicks you get. However, a lot of people don’t have enough robux to invest into ads, so they hire investors (outside of the Devforum) to give them robux to advertise with and in return they often get a percentage of your game’s income.


That makes sense I could ask someone to do that when my game is ready. I currently have 5K robux and will probably have about 10K by the time it’s ready. Do you think it’s okay to ask someone to invest 10K? I know some games are better than others and I’m assuming investors look at the game first before spending money on it. And how much is a normal percentage to give investors for my situation?

You can ask them for any amount, its up to them to decide if they will take the offer. Also another thing is, asking for investments inside the Devforums is against the Devforum rules so you would have to request them some place else.

Hmmm… I don’t have a good way to contact people off of the Roblox DevForum besides being a Roblox friend. I’m assuming it’s not okay on roblox either? Why would it be banned on the Developer Forum?

It was banned because people constantly asked for investments as basically donations for their game without any intention of paying the investors back, along with a bunch of people asking for investments for games that were just no where near ready to be fully released, which lead to the category being filled with people asking for investments but no one actually investing in them.


It’s a way to get someone to pay to get your games out there, for example to invest 5K, 20K, 100K so you can run advertisements/sponsorships for your game.

Once the game gets profit, when the amount of Robux the investor gave you comes back from game earnings, that’s when you pay them back and end the investment deal. However, some people give around 10% profit to the investor which is quite stupid when the profit exceeds the needed amount.

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So is there another website with a chat filter that allows you to ask for investments that is related to Roblox?

Discord could work (30 Char…)

There is no chat filter unless the owner of a server sets one up and Discord is not related to Roblox however there are Roblox related Discord servers.

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Yeah I’m not using Discord, any other suggestions?

I don’t think you are allowed to advertise for investors…


Are there any Discord servers about Roblox game development that you know don’t have a filter?

This is not true lol, most games on the front page right now grew organically.


Hey, long time since this topic was created but… Wanted to ask this: are you allowed to invest into games for a percentage of said game?

Is it against the Roblox TOS?

@S1recDev This is against the Roblox TOS for Roblox, but TheDevKing does investing for people. I’m assuming this is because he does it mostly on Discord, but then just has the audience on Roblox. It’s banned on the Roblox site and DevForum because too many people were getting scammed. Maybe it’s possible to become one of the investors on the game, but I’m assuming that’s only for his friends. The investment game is called RoTank if you were curious.

Investing is NOT against Roblox TOS for all still confused.

Pretty much how alot of games get popular now is by investors because they are too broke to spend on high paying ads, investors Give you Robux for the ads BUT you give them a percentage of the games income / profit.

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Can I ask about the investor. For example, when investor invest 5K robux in us gave so it means they pay us 5K robux 1 Time and then take our percentage lifetime or is it working other way. I really don’t understand about it.

Investing on Roblox is similar to real life. People can “invest” into a game by giving funds to the creator to spend on promotion (advertising, YouTubers,etc) in exchange for a percentage of the game’s revenue.

I can’t think of the term but many “Noob” developers on Roblox will make a low quality simulator or vibe game and expect it to be the next front page game. 9 times out of 10 they lack any funds and pay devs via percentage only with zero safety net. This is fine when it’s a larger scale studio or dev with a reputation to back up the likelihood of the game’s success, but not in this case. These “noob” devs will tend to offer insane amounts of percentages in exchange for low investments.

The only investments you should be considering are for developers who have a track record of making semi successful games in the past. Now sometimes there is a hidden gem of a developer with a great game idea and not enough funds to back it up, however this is a very rare occurrence. If you see a game in development that genuinely interests you and could be successful then go ahead and invest.