Game is growing but has many dislikes


Recently, my game has started to show on the home recommendation tab, and is averaging between 50-100 CCU.

As you can see, the like-dislike ratio is pretty bad (65%). The weird thing, though, is that THE GAME HAS VERY GOOD SESSION TIME AND RETENTION STATS, not really reflecting the dislikes.

Does anybody have any theories on why my game is suffering this right now?

Note: My initial thought was that people believed my tycoon saves, and after returning realized their progress reset. However, this is intentional and is even warns the user prior to playing.



Your loading screen is a popular free model. Also, it took me a minute to find where it said that it doesn’t save. It says “King Tycoon isn’t a saving tycoon”, which can mean a couple of things. Your game’s icon is also AI-generated.

You should make your own loading screen, it’s not that hard.
You should also implement data saving, that is pretty easy to do.
You should also change your game icon to not be AI Generated.


Thank you for the response, however as you might’ve read in my OP, if the front cover stuff was the issue, our session time numbers would be drastically lower.

As for the loading screen, I understand but I doubt that a UI free model causes such a drastic imbalance in dislikes, considering many games use UI packs and don’t suffer the same fate.

As for the note, how else can “King Tycoon is not a saving tycoon” be interpreted? I am curious as I’d be open to changing the wording.

Data saving is being heavily considered.



This is the reason why you have a high dislike ratio. Just because you warn players their progress won’t save, doesn’t mean they still won’t be disappointed. My guess is that when players see the warning, they leave and dislike the game.
I would highly recommend saving player data, not only will it boost your like ratio, but it will also boost your revenue.


I think if you were to reword it as “Note: Tycoon data will not save”, it would somewhat be clearer for players. “King Tycoon is not meant to be a saving tycoon” doesn’t actually make sense grammatically, especially not in context.

Generally, players assume things save (I always implement datastores in my games) so it’d be good to get that functionality. It’s easy to brush by that warning too, like I did when I started the game and everything was loading, I just clicked on a half loaded icon and there was no warning. Maybe a pop-up when they teleport to their castle?

(I do agree that the icon/thumbnail and loading screen probably won’t have a huge impact on dislikes - most of your players are about nine and super gullible too.)


To be honest the game is ok. I ended up playing it for longer than somebody my age should.

Back when I ran a popular game, a lot of the dislikes were because of lag, if they’re really laggy or crash they leave a dislike. That’s where at least half of my dislikes came from.

Yours might be thanks to the saving as other people have said in this thread, I’d recommend adding a warning or just fixing it. Also I don’t like the AI thumbnail but that’s a nitpick.


@Lava_shield @RUBYMP2009 @pyxfluff

Thank you for your opinions. For now, the warning will be reworded to something more concise, and a save system for the tycoon will be looked into.

For anybody else, further feedback is welcome. :+1:


yo, some feedback I want to give you. I have joined your game and the music is pretty lame for a king tycoon. I was pretty exited about the title and thumbnail, and expected something epic, for example music, but that wasn’t the case.
I learned to remember that the first impression of a game, to the player, the most important part is if they are going to return or not. This might be one of the reasons that the game gets disliked. They expected something big, heard chill music instead of epic or mighty, left the game and disliked. This is my predicition.
Also add saving, a tycoon should always have saving implemented.


also you’re a genius @coreful for making a slop game, i should make a slop game too that would be easy money im tired of working on a complex game thats gonna get 0 visits anyway


I forgot that since the DevForum went public envious people swarmed in just to compare themselves to as many people as possible.

Thanks for the comment man, hope you go far. :joy_cat:


It was not envy, i think you misunderstood what i’ve said

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There’s a line myself and my dev friend have been trying to find recently. A line between thrown together slop for good player count and high quality original idea that’s fun for all ages and doesn’t label yourself as a slop creator.

It exists, it’s just a fine line and can be hard to ride.

For the OP, it’s likely the lack of saving causing your dislikes. For a tycoon it’s relatively normal for your tycoon to not save, but mentioning it won’t save gives the impression that tycoons should save. So either add saves (better idea also use profile cacher module) or remove the warning.


Interesting input. We initially didn’t plan to add saving, so this could be a good idea to try in the short-term (by removing the warning). Thanks for the response.

I’m not sure if data not saving is causing dislikes. I know that Wizard Tycoon 2 Player Tycoon doesn’t save data, and it’s player count and game rating is high, almost 90%.

Check your error reports to see if some huge bug is causing problems.
Open up the wall in your group so user can report bugs / improvements.

My game got dislike bombed recently because people were freaking out thinking its satanic and anti-Christian after the game randomly started getting players. Played your game, nothing seems to be offensive.


Let me know if it works out. I haven’t checked but if your retention is good and player count is stable then maybe the rating isn’t an issue, Ive seen games with 65% flourish.


I will provide an update on the matter within a week assuming the game maintains a certain player base. We appreciate all the feedback, even the less pertinent ones.

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There is really a big misunderstanding here @coreful I didn’t mean to attack anyone. Maybe I shouldn’t have used the word “slop,” but I meant that the idea of the game was actually smart and that I would probably do the same. What I tried to say was genuine, but yes, data saving in a tycoon game probably isn’t the best, so the removal of the warning would be better

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For closure, we opened the group wall for a while to see what the player feedback looked like, and it was as expected.

A grand majority of the players disliking are doing such because they expect the tycoon to save data, but it doesn’t.

The aforementioned in-game warning will stay removed for now even though it hasn’t affected the like ratio.

Thank you once again for everybody who participated in the thread. Help is no longer needed.

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