Game keeps getting shadow-banned

A Bizarre Day, a game which I own and have spent many hours with my development team to work on, has been shadow banned. Not once, but twice. The first time, the shadow ban lasted for a day or two. A Bizarre Day managed to recover a little after the ban was lifted. Ever since the second shadow ban came around, it has caused a bit of a problem for my community. Back when it was still easily visible, it had a healthy playerbase which ranged from about 2.5k to 3.1k (depending on the time of the week, with the latter estimate being present usually during weekends). However, it has since dropped to ~700 concurrent players due to the shadow bans that I’m not even told about.

I kindly ask that my game is released from its shadow ban, or at least have the reason for the bans to be explained so I can amend any issues it has. Having my game suddenly lose accessibility to its community (with what seems to be little reason) is extremely confusing and it has proved to be a predicament which can’t just be shrugged off.


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