Game lags in roblox player but not on roblox studio

I’m trying to make the game works perfectly smooth

So i wanted to test my game on roblox player rather than just on roblox studio and i was confused bc the game on roblox player was working very laggy ( delay on almost every function )

here what an example
in Roblox player :

in Roblox Studio :

i’ve tried many solution non of them worked

Notes :

  • my ping in roblox player reaches 250ms, on Studio don’t go over 50 ms
  • i’m using one local script and one server script for almost everything , with the support of bunch of modules

Any ideas ?


This is because roblox studio uses a local server while the game uses an actual server causing lag. There is not work around currently…


in studio you are running a local server so your ping is perfect all the time

but in the roblox player you are connecting to a server roblox made (not on your machine) so your ping is high


It’s a normal thing, there isn’t a solution to it.


I mean i know but, if the game works fine on studio does that mean everything is fine with the scripts and stuff ? or the fact that it lags in roblox player is a problem and i should fix that, i been trying to find out for almost a week


uh one more note i didn’t mention , i gave 3 people to play the game , all of them had no issues and the games works pretty smooth for them because they have really good ping 50-80
it’s just me with 250 ping


you cant help roblox having high ping its roblox’s issue. since studio runs on your machine you are never going to notice ping problems until you play it in roblox

theres nothing wrong with your scripts its just roblox’s server

  1. the location of the roblox server is far away from you
  2. your wifi isnt great

my wifi is pretty great , roblox servers are indeed pretty far from where i live , thanks so much for the help

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