As a lead developer on many games, I want to make sure that the scripts I write, or the models made for that game won’t be stolen by someone else. I’ve seen game leaking done before and it paves a new road for games that are almost exact copies and exploitors.
I was wondering if the process of leaking requires someone on the inside or could it happen to anyone and if so how can I try protect it?
Well theres 2 ways this can happen, one would be if one of your Developers makes a copy of your game and puts it out there for everyone to copy, and another is if someone uses a exploit like Synapse and does SaveInstance to get a copy of your map, and then puts it out there for everyone to take.
For the first one, always make sure you can trust someone before you give them edit access to your games.
For the second one, there’s unfortunately nothing you can do to prevent syanpse save instance. Though luckily they can only take whats in the workspace, nothing inside the Server can be taken.
I not too familiar with Synapse, but I believe that it can be used to basically copy your entire game.
If I’m thinking about the correct platform, a way to stop this from happening is to put everything into folders. Name the folder some wacky name such as ‘?nNyN=QI’ (Keyboard smash)
Again, if I’m thinking about the correct platform, this should cause Synapse to freak out and stop working.
(I could be totally wrong. Don’t trust me that much.)
Theres no point in naming a random folder, that’ll just make the game harder to script. The map stealer can still look through all the folders and find the models and stuff they want.
Exploiters can take everything that is only visible to their client, meaning that they can’t take anything in ServerStorage and ServerScriptService because it isn’t replicated to them. They also can’t steal any server scripts of any kind.
It is very common for people to steal games. And no, you cannot protect your game from it, althrough you can make it as theft proof as possible. Make sure you keep your scripts safe, althrough I’m not sure if exploits can take the scripts. Exploiter who has intended to steal your game, he will. Your models are most likely to get stolen since you cannot protect them. If you have a problem with the stolen game, you can try contacting Roblox via Twitter since “Report Abuse”, and Roblox Support won’t help you much.
Only models, not scripts, can be stolen from games. It is not possible for a person outside of the development team to steal the entire game and make it available to the public.
That being said, only hire and make large projects with people who you trust and make your game as theft-proof as possible, while making sure it doesn’t make it much more difficult to patch game faults, glitches, and errors.
Unfortunately, I am not able to tell you a sure fire way of protecting your game models, but your scripts are safe.
I have no knowledge of anything that can mess with Synapse. But for the first one, I would just tell the developer to work on it at his baseplate. It might not be as efficient, but It will prevent them from stealing your models. Also, there is a discord bot that does this for you.
It always depends on how popular your game is. An exploiter would probably not want to steal a game with a few visits, but the risk increases by the more popular your game is.
I would say this is like 40% it’s common and 60% it is not common.
In the toolbox I did find a copy of the entire rocitizens map that looked as if it was copied from an active server (cars parked everywhere, houses spawned, nomburger food lying around and orders needed fulfillment etc…).
I also have seen Treelands been stolen (possibly) and literally an identical copy of the original by NewFissy. It is although, broken, and gets stuck in the camera intro.
But games that usually have titles associated with ‘Paradise’ and ‘adopt/raise’ are usually copied very fast, due to being uncopylocked or leaked long ago.
So really, it’s more uncommon rather than common, but I am not too sure of this.
Thanks, I have a habit of putting scripts in workspace, I’ll be sure to change that.
That’s good to know also, you can’t copy a game with just models but it’s also not that fair to builders since it’s easier to have someone take credit for your work.