Roblox recently switched the prefix for game linkedScripts from rbxgameasset://Scripts/scriptname to rbxgameasset://scriptname
All scripts that were referenced using the rbxgameasset://Scripts/scriptname format are now broken, as are the games that reference them.
The same issue exists with images. Images uploaded using the new “bulk upload” feature upload using the rbxgameasset://imagename format, while old images use the rbxgameasset://Images/imagename format. These formats are not interchangeable
Our Incubator project, Vesteria, is completely broken by this change.
We use a LinkedScript called PACKAGEHANDLER to load in all of our game assets from InsertService. As of a couple of hours ago, the reference we have been using for it, “rbxgameasset://Scripts/PACKAGEHANDLER”, no longer works, and it is now located at “rbxgameasset://PACKAGEHANDLER”
As a result, our game is now just a blank screen, and playercount has plummeted:
If your game has been impacted by this, please reply down below.