Game literally frying my gpu

Some weird rendering issue? It happened during a commission, its mainly only his game because his game is very intensive on meshs, detailed parts, etc…

I dont understand what it is any ideas?
No this is not his lighting either, it just happens to me, am i running out of vram / ram?

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What happens if you set your Graphics settings to a lower number while playing?

i have no idea but maybe try changing your graphics mode in Studio Settings → Rendering → Graphics Mode

Its set at 2 for studio always

Its set to Vulkan, has been for the best few years since its the only thing that runs “the best” for me? id say anyways

How old is your computer?
My studio settings are at max (21 for editing) and Automatic for playing in games.

not too old,
1060 3GB
R5 1600
Running on a M.2

Check the GPU temperatures and if possible download updated drivers for your graphics card. Is it the only application/game that you have issues with?

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Set it to automatic and see if it worked

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nothing else gets atrifacts or anything just studio

FPS Reduces alot when i use automatic

look in game.Lighting and workspace.Camera for any special effects

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Might just be a glitch with your Studio.
Uninstall and install it again to see if that fixes it.

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Its only his game, no-one elses

Verified with the game owner, the have has no effects, he doenst see it either

this may be an issue tied with the android FIB release

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Try running a diagnostic program whilst also having the game open. At the minimum have task manager open, and if gpu is at 100% it’s probably that

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will do next time im on his commission

Just to be clear for everyone helping:
Is this only happening while you playtest/edit the commission for his game in your Studio?
Does it happen editing any other stuff of yours in Studio?

If you have to run Studio at graphics 2 for any projects of his or yours it sounds like it’s a problem with your Studio.
Uninstalling and installing is a simple check to see if it’s a glitch in your version of Studio. Just try it and it may fix all the issues you’ve mentioned.