Game locked in first person?

So, I’m working on a new game, but I ran into an issue; whenever I playtest, the player is locked in first person, and can’t zoom back out with the I/O keys or mouse.
The weird part is, I don’t have any scripts or settings to make this happen, and I can’t find a way to reset the camera. I also don’t have any ‘virus’ scripts or anything like that, so thankfully that isn’t the issue.

Any advice?

Edit: I figured it out. For some reason the Max Zoom was 0.5.


Is StarterPlayer.CameraMode set to LockFirstPerson?

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Where would I find that in Studio?
Edit: Found it, it’s still ‘Classic.’

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Hmm… Can you tell us the CameraMinZoomDistance and CameraMaxZoomDistance properties of StarterPlayer?

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That’s what the issue was, for some reason the Max Zoom was 0.5.

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