Game Log For "Capture the Spire"

Welcome to the official Update Log For capture the spire!
First off, if you would like to play the game here is the link!
At the making of this Log, the game is incomplete however, it is late in development! This means in a couple of months it will be fully, playable main menu and all!

Yet with all things there have to be some boundaries or certain aspects will most definitely be abused.
Rule 1 - No Exploiting
If you are caught cheating or hacking you will instantly be banned.
Rule 2 - No teaming
Teaming with other players can get you warned or banned.
Rule 3 - No abusing game passes
Do not Abuse game passes as you will be instantly banned.
Rule 4 - Have fun!

We hope to see you there, Goodbye! - TMWHI
(If you would like to join the discord server, check the group only if you’re 13 or above)