My game Sword Mayhem is losing 30% of new players almost immediately when they join (looking at my funnel analytics), but I can’t figure out what it is. I would be thankful if someone can help me find the issue.
I just joined, and to me it seems like there isn’t really a visual game loop that players can tell when joining. That might be the problem.
Can you explain what you mean a bit more?
Players cannot see what the game delivers and how they are supposed to use it almost immediately when joining. A lack of introduction to the game’s mechanics will leave the player feeling bored and confused within the first few minutes even though the game has much more to offer.
When I joined, and hit play, I was sent right into the battlefield with no knowledge on how to work the game. I do understand that you put little things specifying what did what but I feel like those mechanics didnt match up with what was actually going on in the game (It said shift to sprint but when I pressed shift, it didnt sprint.)
A dedicated tutorial would really help, along with creating anticipation to go into the real game. But there’s always going to be people who will always leave no matter how good you make your game. That’s just a fact of Roblox. And 30% doesn’t seem bad to me.
The main thing i noticed when joining, is that even though other people were on the ennemy team; it was impossible to find them, maybe you should add something to help players find eachother and fight.