Game Name can't be passed through moderation even if it's the current name for the game

So I was gonna put a description that says the game is closed for testing, but Roblox does not let it work. The original name is bypassed from moderation but it can’t be changed, how can I make this work?

WARNING: Before putting this as off-topic, I would like to tell you that I cannot put it in the correct category because I’m not allowed to. Thanks.



Maybe try changing it on the Develop page.

It won’t work either. It won’t work either way.

Probably some of the words of the game’s title don’t get accepted by the roblox’s filter.

Apparently It did get accepted before but now it doesn’t.

It’s solved now! The moderation let the original name go through.


I have this problem now, but I can’t wait for it to fix itself!!!