Game not loading + Roblox API calls failing

Game Link:

The game seems to be working now but I think this is something that should still be looked into.

Our game is failing to load on some servers (players spawn in the air and fall down). UI isn’t being shown, scripts aren’t loading, etc. I’m not able to access the developer console either for some reason either.

In other servers, api calls (ie checking if they’re in a group, checking if they have voice chat, etc) are failing. In our game, users that don’t have voice chat are teleported to a separate place. But due to the voice chat api failing, users are being incorrectly sent to the other server.

This has brought down the player count from around 4,000 to 3,400. There has been no new changes to the game these past few days (and as can be seen by the last date updated).


This is occurring again. Brought our CCU to 2.8k.


Can confirm. 100% of assets (sounds, textures, meshes, etc.) are failing to load. I’m also experiencing various request failures for DataStore APIs.

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I can confirm too. Assets like sounds and images seem to be failing to download. It is also happening in live servers.


I can also confirm

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Can confirm this is happening to me too.

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I can confirm this is happening to me as well.

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It is also unable to even open a place now, even a roblox template.

Even roblox’s default audios are failing to load

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Happening to me as well


I can confirm this is also happening to me. It seems to be specifically on the client things like ApplyHumanoidDescription aren’t working because assets couldn’t be loaded

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Pretty sure Roblox Studio just went down as well.


Keep having the same issue.

Images, meshes, audios don’t load in. Asset manager doesn’t work.

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Same here, can’t upload any decals

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ironic thing is that, even though the post was made 1 hour ago(possibly the bug was for an hour already), roblox status says everything is fine.
edit: welp, nevermind, it just changed


Yeah, can’t open any places on studio either.

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Also happening in Phantom Forces. Map loading is completely broken due to the use of InsertService.


I think it’s happening to everyone including myself but the engineers are investigating on this issue right now.

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Yeah, unfortunately I (along with many of my team members) have stopped trusting the status page as it seems to almost never reflect partial service outages accurately. At least not in a reasonable time frame.

Makes it a bit difficult to have to explain to my employers that I quite literally cannot do my job even when that page states that everything is “operational”.


All same as studio and game too. cant load with HTTP 400. All roblox is gone!
LOOK. :warning: :hammer_and_wrench:

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Seems like it’s fixed for me! Just tested, all of the assets have loaded, including audios, meshes and images.

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