Game not showing up at all on Discover after a Week of Waiting

About 6-7 Days ago I set my game to Public and available to Everyone for joining. I search the name ‘Disaster Survival’ in Discover and about 5 other games come up with similar names however mine still doesn’t show at all. Is there a specific reason that this is happening or am I missing something?

What shows up:

What should show up (Taken screenshto from group where experience does show up):

I have heard that sometimes they take longer then a week, but dont quote me on that, I feel like its probably something else

Do you have any ideas of what it might be?

I’ve tried to contact support directly from the player support section on Roblox however I keeep getting thte bot responses coming outt as ‘Thank you for your suggestion’ which obviously isn’t helping me

I have also heard of “shadow ban” where if your game has like spammy words, or something that roblox thinks that its not a legit game (like if your game was called “obby obby obby obby” or had too much tags or something it wouldn’t show up

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I’m not sure that my description or anything is spammy but I may be wrong.

This is the description:
Welcome to Disaster Island!

An all-new Disaster Survival game that will test your limits!
The question is, do you have what it takes to Survive?

Use Code “Alpha” for 500 Coins!

:1st_place_medal: Survive various Natural and UnNatural disasters the island has to bring and put yourself on the Leaderboard

:facepunch: Sabotage other Survivors to reap a higher reward!

:moneybag: Collect coins and use them to give yourself an advantage each round!

Ok yea i dont think thats a problem with the description, and btw the game still doesn’t seem to be showing up : P

Yeah im not sure. I’ve created another ticket anyway to see if that goes somewhere. Really annoying, don’t want to have wasted a couple months worth of work.

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The game is probably not popular enough to be on the page. Try advertising to get more players and let the game be more popular. As from what I can see from the Like percentage, it 100% so everybody liked this game and nobody disliked it. And the current player count is 0.

My game start appearing only after 9 days of waiting. I had the same question, so as I understand, just wait some time.

Unfortunately, seen as the game is unable to show up on anyones discover page no matter a sponsored post or not. That also means that I cannot get the game more popular.