About 6-7 Days ago I set my game to Public and available to Everyone for joining. I search the name ‘Disaster Survival’ in Discover and about 5 other games come up with similar names however mine still doesn’t show at all. Is there a specific reason that this is happening or am I missing something?
I’ve tried to contact support directly from the player support section on Roblox however I keeep getting thte bot responses coming outt as ‘Thank you for your suggestion’ which obviously isn’t helping me
I have also heard of “shadow ban” where if your game has like spammy words, or something that roblox thinks that its not a legit game (like if your game was called “obby obby obby obby” or had too much tags or something it wouldn’t show up
Yeah im not sure. I’ve created another ticket anyway to see if that goes somewhere. Really annoying, don’t want to have wasted a couple months worth of work.
The game is probably not popular enough to be on the page. Try advertising to get more players and let the game be more popular. As from what I can see from the Like percentage, it 100% so everybody liked this game and nobody disliked it. And the current player count is 0.
Unfortunately, seen as the game is unable to show up on anyones discover page no matter a sponsored post or not. That also means that I cannot get the game more popular.